re-sampling the imagesΒΆ

After you have found each of the fiducial marks in each image and generated a MeasuresIm file for each image, either using find_reseau_grid for KH-9 images, or by hand/using mm3d Kugelhupf for historic aerial photographs, you can run ReSampFid:

*  Help for Elise Arg main  *
Mandatory unnamed args :
  * string :: {Pattern image}
  * REAL :: {Resolution of scan, mm/pix}
Named args :
  * [Name=BoxCh] Box2dr :: {Box in Chambre (generally in mm, [xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax])}
  * [Name=Kern] INT :: {Kernel of interpol,0 Bilin, 1 Bicub, other SinC (fix size of apodisation window), Def=5}
  * [Name=AttrMasq] string :: {Atribut for masq toto-> toto_AttrMasq.tif, NONE if unused, Def=NONE}
  * [Name=ExpAff] bool :: {Export the affine transformation}

For example, if you are using KH-9 images from Earth Explorer, you would run the following command to re-sample the images to 14 microns (0.014 mm):

mm3d ReSampFid "DZB.*tif" 0.014


There is also a shell script,, that will leave a 1 mm overlap between the two image halves, to aid in joining them together.

The re-sampled images will have OIS-Reech_ appended to the filename:

AR5840034159994.tif -> OIS-Reech_AR5840034159994.tif

These are the images that you will use for the remaining steps - you might want to create a new folder to place the original images.

The next step is to find tie points using Tapioca.