
Register a relative orthoimage and DEM to a reference orthorectified image and DEM.

usage: register_ortho [-h] [-glacmask GLACMASK] [-landmask LANDMASK]
                      [-footprints FOOTPRINTS]
                      [-im_subset IM_SUBSET [IM_SUBSET ...]] [-b BLOCK_NUM]
                      [-ori ORI] [-ortho_res ORTHO_RES] [-imgsource IMGSOURCE]
                      [-density DENSITY] [-no_allfree]
                      fn_ortho fn_ref fn_reldem fn_dem

Positional Arguments


non-referenced orthophoto mosaic


georeferenced satellite image


relative dem corresponding to ortho



Named Arguments


path to shapefile of glacier outlines (i.e., an exclusion mask)


path to shapefile of land outlines (i.e., an inclusion mask)


path to shapefile of image outlines. If not set, will download from USGS.


subset of raw images to work with (default all)

-b, --block_num

Block number to use if multiple image blocks exist in directory.


name of orientation directory (after Ori-) [Relative]

Default: “Relative”


approx. ground sampling distance (pixel resolution) of ortho image. [8 m]

Default: 8


USGS dataset name for images [DECLASSII]

Default: “DECLASSII”


pixel spacing to look for GCPs [200]

Default: 200


run Campari with AllFree set to False

Default: True