
generate_micmac_measures calls spymicmac.micmac.generate_micmac_measures() to create id_fiducial.txt, MeasuresCamera.xml, and Tmp-SL-Glob.xml files for KH-9 Hexagon images.


To use the Tmp-SL-Glob.xml file, copy it into the Tmp-SaisieAppuis directory with the name of the image appended; e.g.,:

cp Tmp-SL-Glob.xml Tmp-SaisieAppuis/Tmp-SL-Glob-MeasuresIm-DZB1215-500425L002001.tif.xml

You will also need MeasuresIm-DZB1215-500425L002001.tif.xml (or whatever the image name is) to exist in the directory.

Create id_fiducial.txt, MeasuresCamera.xml, and Tmp-SL-Glob.xml files for KH-9 Hexagon images.

usage: generate_micmac_measures [-h] [-joined]

Named Arguments


generate files for joined scene (220x460 mm) instead of half (220x230mm)

Default: False